Activities and Resources
In this section, you'll find more fun and exciting activities based around my books. Please take a look, have fun and enjoy!
You can always share your creations with me on this site, or by posting on the facebook pages!
The Magical Rainbow Bus of Fun
Create your own floor - Use this form to design and create your own floor of the Magical Rainbow Bus of Fun. If you're feeling super creative, you can always use some card and craft materials to create a floor!
Colouring Pictures - Print off black and white pictures of some of the characters from the book and colour them in. Click on one of the pictures below to open and print it.
Alien Spaceship Climbing Frame Monkey Palm Tree Rocket Skateboard Skiing Snowman
The Magical Christmas Bus of Fun
Why not have a go at designing and creating your own floor of the Magical Christmas Bus of Fun? Think of all the things you love about Christmas and see what ideas you can come up with!
Colouring Pictures - Print off black and white pictures of some of the characters and images from the book and colour them in. Click on one of the pictures below to open and print it.
Christmas Presents Christmas Wreath Ice Skating Picking a Present Reindeer
Reindeer Sweet and Presents Snowboarding Wand and Shield
Troll's Amazing Day
Colouring Pictures - Print off black and white images from this exciting story and have lots of fun colouring them in. Choose from the following and enjoy!
Beach Bridge Crab Diving Pier Playground Prize Sunset
The Octopus in the Bath​
Colouring Pictures - Print off black and white images from this exciting undersea adventure and have lots of fun colouring them in. Choose from the following and enjoy!
Octopus in the Bath Fishes Dolphins Coral Reef Treasure Pirate Ship